Lil' Donkey Duo Onesie - Giggle Guarantee Included

$ 29.00 USD

Meet the hottest fashion addition to the crib block - our sizzlin' "Dante & Dante Jr. Lil' Donkey Duo Onesie". Drenched in the edgiest shade of midnight mischief, this onesie is less “baby’s day out” and more “baby’s rockin' fiesta”. Cotton? More Like Cool-ton: 100% cotton, 100% attitude. Perfect for those wild crawl parties and crib mosh pits.So, if you believe baby style should scream "I'm here to party (and maybe nap)", then it's time for Dante & Dante Jr. After all, a day in this onesie? Pure, unadulterated fiesta! 🎉🍼🎸