Sign up for our Free Email Lead Magnet Course 🧲

Marketing teams can build landing pages to generate leads — and now so can you
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Lesson 0
(Welcome To The Mini-Course
Lesson 1
Picking The Right Problem & Solution With ChatGPT(Step 1)
Lesson 2
Brainstorming, Outlining, & Drafting Your Lead Magnet With ChatGPT (Step 2)
Lesson 3
Packaging Up Your Lead Magnet In Distribute (Step 3)
Lesson 4
Crafting Your Distribute Squeeze Page Copy With ChatGPT (Step 4)
Lesson 5
Launching Your Lead Magnet On LinkedIn Using Distribute (Step 5)
Lesson 6 & Beyond:
How To Scale Your Lead Magnet And SELL LIKE CRAZY

“We’ve decreased the time it takes to get lead magnets out from 2 weeks to 20 minutes with Distribute. And now we have a library of content.”

Adam Robinson, CEO of Retention